23 April, 2009

Sky Watch Friday from Fabulous Firenze, Italia

Of course no visit to Italy is complete without a trip to Florence. You might wonder why I chose to visit Italy in February...well the best part of visiting Florence or any place in Italy in the off-season is: few to no touristas.

I captured this shot of the River Arno on Tuesday morning the 17th of February. I liked the shot as the fog is lifting and reveals a beautiful blue sky behind it. And, of course the added bonus, the reflections of the buildings and sky in the still water of the river.

Please check out Sky Watch Friday. Last week over 350 participants from around the world showed us their skies. Thanks to the Skywatch® Team:Klaus Sandy Ivar Wren Fishing Guy Louise for all their hard work in making this meme work so efficiently.


MedaM said...

The first what I said, when I saw this photo, was „WOW“! Indeed, the lovely blue sky and the reflection in the water makes beautiful and very attractive photo.

Spices of Life said...

oh my! this is fabulous... nice photography your a pro!

vincibene said...

Fantastic picture, like a painting. I'll visit Florence this summer.

Merisi said...

Beautiful mood and reflection!
Like you, I love Italy during off-season off-season. I last visited Florence in late October 2008, Venice in February and Rome in March, heavenly. ;-)

Dawn Fine said...

Just beautiful.
I love florence and hope to get back there someday!

Shey said...

Breathtaking photo! It's so dreamy, it makes you want to experience it too. Would love to go there someday.

Thanks for sharing.


Steffi said...

Fantastic photo!Thank you for sharing!Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! Nice Postwork, too!
Cheers, Klaus

B i r g i t t a said...

I also must say - Wow! You made it so beautiful, the watermirror and everything :)

Guy D said...

Fantastic photo, that reflection is so gorgeous.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

The picture is an adventure. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... I wish I were sitting out on a balcony with my morning coffee, just breathing that all in.

Bryan said...

I was in Florence last June, and I can only imagine just how much more amazing the city (and the rest of Italy) is in the off season. You've captured a beautiful photo here. It looks similar but also different to how I remember the city.

Carver said...

That shot is perfect in every regard. Gorgeous setting and reflection.

Photo Cache said...

Very dreamy. I too love to visit places during the off season.

Rune Eide said...

If you said that you had painted this I would have believed you!

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Bravo once again
Happy Skywatch Friday!

Bim said...


Maalie said...

Gorgeous picture! A much better picture of Florence than I was able to take when I was there :-)

Martha Z said...

That is truely spectacular. Off season is always my favorite, I hate fighting crowds.

Dewdrop said...

Stunning shot! What an incredible dynamic the fog adds! That is beautiful. I really believe you could sell that shot. It looks almost like a painting!

PJ said...

Well, that's a beautiful sight. And sharing it with us is a great gift, you're a wonderful photographer. I hope this is hanging on your wall.

Mojo said...

Fantastic capture. Is this HDR? 'Cause if not, I really really wanna know how you got it!

Janie said...

That's a simply beautiful shot. It looks magical.

earthtoholly.com said...

Holy cow, I'm speechless, Erin. That is one of the most beautiful, yet eerie photos I've ever seen. Uhhh, guess I wasn't speechless afterall! :o) Happy SkyWatch!

Dorothy said...

Fantastic! Beautiful blog! I wish I knew how to make my photos appear that large on my blog.

Redzlan said...

You are the ONE today!.
Beautiful sky and reflexion- Congratulation!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful dreamy shot.

DeniseinVA said...

Erin, after seeing this photo I want to go pack my bags and head to Florence. Fantastic! Have a great weekend :)


What a beautiful place, stunning blue sky - and not to forget the reflections in the water! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Spectacular photo, love the bright colour and reflection.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Unknown said...

I love functional shutters ... so many nowadays are fake.

Arija said...

An absolutely beautiful shot. The Arno was just ambling along in its bed without a single ripple. Wonderful reflections, sky, light and...Florence.

Eve said...

This is such a beautiful photo. I love that soft haze and the reflection on the still water!

The Write Girl said...

Beautiful photo! When I initially saw it I thought it was a painting. So stunning!!!

Ebie said...

Besides the perfect shot, you did a good job adding a frame to it. It looks like a masterpiece painting.

Susie of Arabia said...

Wow - phenomenal photo! You really should blow this one up and frame it - it's like a painting! I love it.

Gaelyn said...

That is an absolutely gorgeous shot of Florence.

I'm with you on traveling in the off season Erin.

Dave Coulter said...

Wow....that must have been some journey. I have heard Florence is the nicest place to visit in Italy.

Jim said...

Beautiful reflection.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Louise said...

Of course Florence is necessary. But I have never seen it like this. Incredible!

Glennis said...

Is it really a photo, the effect is like a mirror or a painting. Just wondrous.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Congrats for starting us off with a perfect picture. On the down side, you set the bar very HIGH!


Linnea said...

Congrats! You're first on the SWF list. You have wonderful photos on your blog. I've been around Italy but never to Florence. Your shot is so exquisite! What lovely colors, mood, and reflections. Enjoy the skies!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! This should be sent to Hallmark! :)

Vic said...

wow! wonderful sky. and of course, the view! ;)

Jacqueline Dove said...

Such a dreamy, beautiful photo. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That sky is the most amazing colour

Lakshmi said...


alicesg said...

Wow amazing. Very beautiful scenery, looked exactly like a painting. Have a nice weekend.

Vicky said...

WOW! absolutely beautiful!

Reader Wil said...

Erin, howbeautiful! It's like a painting! Thanks for sharing and for your visit and kind words. Have a great weekend!

Dagrun said...

What a good shot! Lovely colours and reflection.

jabblog said...

This is so beautiful - a painting rather than a photograph. Very peaceful.

Jane said...

I ahve unfortunately never been to Florence ( Firenze) I have been to Piza though and Lucca, lovely shot of the sky and reflections in the Arno.

Jack and Joann said...

Yes, you should blow that photo up and put it on your wall. Florence, one of the most beautiful cities of Italy. I would love to go back to Florence.

Linda said...

I love the photo. Nothing better than smooth water with reflection I think.

Sunshinelene said...

wowwww so blue!

great sky shot!

i joined with a sunset shot. see ya around here --


Loran said...

This is one of my favorites of all the pictures you have been posting from Italy.

And, yes, it is very quiet at night where I live except for the howls of the coyotes......

Deborah Godin said...

A beautiful scene, and the delicate reflection is just magical!

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful picture ! It's quite a long time ago I have been in Florence

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Erin: What a great capture, it does fullfill your trip.

♥ Stines hverdag said...

Beautiful shot from Italy! It looks like a painting.

Naturegirl said...

A wonderful view of Florence through your eyes! I was there in August and did NOT care for it having come in from Tuscany!It's all in the eyes of the beholder it seems.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Wow! That is stunningly beautiful and gorgeous! It does look like a painting. Amazing that the colors are so vibrant on a cloudy day.

allhorsestuff said...

Whoa, that is gorgeous!

ms toast burner said...

well aint that something!

Tarolino said...

That is just so breathtakingly beautiful and quite right that it should be framed too. You are the most amazing photographer to capture scenes like these with such skill. The colours are just heavenly and the composition leaves nothing to desire.

Ivon said...

Beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing.

SoapGecko said...



Pearl Maple said...

Am really enjoying your holiday photos, stunning views. Thanks for sharing.

EcoRover said...

As one who once traveled a lot but no longer cares to (I'm radically local), I thank you for reminding me about the visual joy of experiencing other worlds.

Light and Voices said...

You are a master at color, lighting and definately have the eye for scenics. Lovely photograph!

Unknown said...

Wow Erin, gorgeous shot!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Erin,

OHHH Yes! Florence is a great city full of life and any time fantastic with all its ART and the wonderfull ARNO river, I fully agree.Lucky you could visit.

Thanks for visiting my blog the hotofestival will be sure a great time, next week I'll show another picture,

Good weekend wishes Greetings JoAnn

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Erin, a very beautiful morning in off season Florence. I agree with you the no season is the best season! It is the time when one can pretend to be an Italian!

Baruch said...

Excellent work!

Lew said...

Beautiful photograph! The light before sunrise is special.

2sweetnsaxy said...

I popped back in to answer your question. The Renaissance Fair is at the Santa Fe Dam/Reservoir in Irwindale off the 210 Fwy.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous. "Wow" is the only word that does it justice.

And I totally agree about traveling in the off season.

Inday said...

My first impression was a "work of art":easel, brush, paint and the artist. Sensational!!!

Unknown said...

Stunning shot!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Striking photo!

The Explorer said...

very serene...

Rajesh said...

Amazing snap.

The reflection of the sky and building s in water looks great.

Lisa Wilson said...

That is one amazing sky! I would visit during a low-tourist time, too.

Russ said...

Beautiful! Wonderful mood!